GS Ferienwohnrechte GmbH
Am Köpfchen 7
66399 Mandelbachtal
Phone: 0049 6803 40 30 712
Mobile: 0049 151 12 44 81 46
Selling Hapimag Shares at a favourable price
Selling Hapimag holiday residency rights without risk
We offer you 38 years of experience in the sale and mediacy of Hapimag shares and we have worked solely for Hapimag for eight years. For this reason, we know the system, the holiday resorts and the advantages and disadvantages as only few others do. We have also been Hapimag holidaymakers, ourselves, for 37 years.
Your benefit: sound information and support.
Since the transfer of Hapimag shares is complicated and can only be carried out by private individuals with difficulty and great accompanying risk, we deal with the whole process for you and have meanwhile sold thousands of
Hapimag-shares between private individuals with the greatest degree of discretion. (Your address or telephone number do not appear in any advertisement - and also not on the internet) and we also ensure safe and correct financial settlement. This means that the buyer only receives your Hapimag shares/Hapimag holiday pass/Hapimag holiday residency rights after we have received full payment of the purchase price.No additional costs when selling Hapimag shares
You do not have to pay any processing fees, admission fees or any commision to us. Our service is paid for by the recipient (buyer) when a sale takes place. You also do not have to pay any legal fees or notarial charges since we have carried out complete processing for you for 24 years.
Our offer for your Hapimag share depends on
- the type of Hapimag share which you would like to sell (A-share, B-share, Share 21, Insider lifetime share or Hapimag Classic)
- the nominal value of the shares (100 CHF or 200 CHF)
- the issuer of Hapimag shares (Eurocapital, Havag, Hapimag)
- the number of Hapimag points which are transferred per share
- the current price which Hapimag has fixed for their shares
- the rate of exchange for Swiss francs (CHF)
- the market demand (i.e. what buyers are willing to pay)
By allowing us to carry out processing, you can generally attain a higher price and obtain your money much more quickly.
If you fulfill particular requirements, we look forward to receiving your assignment to sell your Hapimag shares, residential plan, holiday pass and Hapimag points.
Your service eMail
If you have any questions or requirements, we will be glad to help you. Please send us an email